Lines for the production of instant pasta
A ready-to-eat dish, healthy, genuine and simple to cook… ready in 3 minutes!
A natural alternative to traditional pasta for quick consumptions, ideal for a meal at the office, at the gym, at school, for a walk around!
Poduction line
For those who already have a dry pasta line, even with an automatic dryer, of any production capacity and want to convert it to produce Instant pasta, too: with ITALPAST technology, it is possible!
Thanks to this upgrade, the user will continue to produce traditional dry pasta, taking advantage of the modernization and expansion of the line, while also producing Instant pasta, taking all opportunities coming from this expansion.
To transform an existing line is less expensive than buying a new one. Our technicians will check if your line is compatible and adaptable; in short time, you’ll start producing Instant Pasta.
ITALPAST will supply the necessary technical support to satisfy your exigencies, having developed and installed, for several years, plants for the production of Instant pasta, even alongside existing lines from other manufacturers

The steam heat treatment technology with the use of special thermoplastic nets for the pre-steaming treatment of the product, the specific steam distribution system through the innovative and tested steaming group and the exact control of the degree of gelatinization, guarantees an extremely homogeneous final result, even after the product rehydration phase.
Our experience in the fresh pasta sector and the many cooking systems we installed, make ITALPAST a leader Company all over the world.
ITALPAST designs and realizes semi-automatic lines with drying in static chambers, as well as automatic lines for short-cut pasta, with continuous dryers up to 1.000 kg/h.
Chose to produce Instant Pasta with our new Lines for short-cut pasta or Multipla, adding this variant to the traditional pasta production.
Our team of experts will be at your complete disposal to study specific solutions for all different needs.
The packaging is available in packs and cups for food. It is also possible to mix pasta and flavours, or keep them divided.
Dehydrated seasonings
New cooperation with LIODRY FOODS, a very important Italian Company located in the hearth of the Food Valley, leader for realization of dehydrated seasonings.
The main purpose of this cooperation is the Customer: it means be able to provide him a 360° advice about INSTANT CUP world, from the technical and customized choice of the production plant, to the choice of dehydrated seasoning, thanks to the support of the R&D Liodry Foods Depart., daily committed to develop personalized products and exclusive recipes, with high technological and qualitative content.
Video delle nostre macchine per instant pasta
Pasta production LinesOther plants for pasta
Contact usAsk for an advice to our technical Experts to implement the most suitable line for your needs
43036 Fidenza (PR) – Italia
43121 Parma – Italia